Wednesday, March 11, 2015

My Bucket List!!

Pekerrechadas is working in many many many ideas that soon you will see. And while working in something I jut stopped to think that this year I will celebrate my 34th birthday, I can not describe my face everytime I think about it, I can not believe it, 34 years already!! Time goes on soooooooo fast.

I have done many things, travel to many places, lived in different cities, met people from varying backgrounds, my social status changed from single to married, I became a mother of a little gentleman who is now 8 months old... Many things in 34 years well 33 still :)

But still many years to come, places to go, people to meet and things to do. So I decided to make a list, my bucket list with the things I would like to do in this coming years. 

This is it so far, I guess I will add things but for now I think it is a good start.

I really think that is a good idea to have your buI will keep on adding and deleting things as I accomplished them, but do not forhet that our days are full of wonderful things and sometimes we just miss them thinking about the past or organizing the future, so I promise myself to try enjoy every single day