Sunday, January 11, 2015

Keep Calm and Pekerrechadas

We are working in many many different ideas to make your life easier, funnier and nicer.

Pekerrechadas in Vietnam

We´ll be back soon with news!!

Wednesday, January 07, 2015

Dream Big!!

Because anything can happen why not just dream it!!

Dreaming big is a good habit to get your goals. We just have to look at life with the perspective that everything is possible and that we can achieve anything.

So if we can accomplish big dreams why don´t we go after them?

pekerrechadas, dream big, positive thinking
Dream Big

That is something I want my son to learn, to let himself dream, and to Dream Big, not to set limits and what´s more important don´t let anyone limit his imagination.

Saturday, January 03, 2015

to have an idea is to have a treasure

This is the beginning, to have an idea that we will develop little by little, giving it shape, improving it until we make it real.

Next step will be to create the image, and here is where we are. During this week we have been working on our logo deciding colors, typos... Knowing me it took longer than expected but I find it very hard to decide I just like everything. After many many ideas this is our final logo.

funny little nice things
Pekerrechadas Logo

And now we will continue with our work. This has just begun. But the most important thing is to believe in your idea, to believe in yourself, not to throw in the towel and to put in our love, effort and trust to make this small idea bigger and more real.

Friday, January 02, 2015

Let´s Begin!

Because everything has a beginning, today Pekerrechadas begins. And what is Pekerrechadas... I guess I would summarize it as a company that provides HeartMade funny little nice things.

pekerrechadas made with love

Why today? and why not?

It has been too long since we wanted to start something here in Vietnam. I have a passion for stationery, I just love it. I get crazy everytime I am surround by papers, notebooks, pens, cards... so what could be better than working on what you are truly passionate about. 

What exactly can you find here... everything you can imagine related with paper. We will star little by little, step by step but we are more than open for ideas and suggestions.

In Pekerrechadas we celebrate everyday events. We are a graphic design studio with aspirations to greatness that creates nice and special stationery for everybody but specially for babies and toddlers following the trends while maintaining our distinctive style. We want to sorround their life with creativity and love.

We want our designs to accompany the little ones on the adventure of getting older! And for the grown ups we hope to make your day happier and easier! 

So today is a perfect day to start, to give that first step we have hesitated for so long, to do what we love and what makes us happy. We hope you enjoy as much as we will.

Have a nice day!!